Saturday 5 July 2014


The Owl and the Pussycat - after hours!

The Owl and the Pussycat's tale is well known
They ventured abroad in a boat in Lear's poem.
But I shall indulge in a whim of my own
And tell you what happened when they were alone.

"You see, it's like this", said the crafty old owl.
"The honey and money were just to beguile.
And now that I have you on board, pussycat,
We'll see if my feathers can ruffle you flat."

"My deep-throated song may have played a small part
But the rhythm that matters is that of my heart.
When I see you before me, my fluffy princess
The urge comes upon me to tickle your nest."

"Nay, do not deny me. I promise you this.
It's all quite in order to start with a kiss.
And then if you're willing to gaze at the stars
I'll do all I can to assuage your desires."

"This talk of a ring with a pig in the middle
Is as false as the tune that I played on my fiddle.
But night is fast ending and what I abhor
Are the sun's eager rays on our secret Amour."

(c) Poet in the woods 2014

- with apologies to Edward Lear.


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