Showing posts with label ENGLISH POETRY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ENGLISH POETRY. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Henry Lawson Poetry

Henry Lawson born on the Greenfell goldfields and his parents were peterLarsen a Norwegian carpenter and Louisa a strong supporter of women s rightsThe place of his berth was marked in 1924 by an obelisk which now stands under alarge gum tree planted by his daughter berth jago in grenfell NSW.He had a very difficult childhood because his family were very poor. After school hehelped his father on building projects.His first job...
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Emily Dickinson Famous Quotes

Hi every one Here are some Best English Quotes of Emily Dickinson I hope youenjoy our site.''Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and singsthe tunes without the words and never stops at all''-----------------------------------------Mery Ban Jao-----------------------------------------''We never know how high we are till we are called to rise and thenIf we are true to plan our statures touch the skies.''-----------------------------------------Mery...
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Friday, 4 April 2014

Emily Dickinson Poetry

I never saw a moorI never saw the seaYet Know I how the heather looksAnd what a wave must beI never spoke with GodNor visited in heavenYet Certain am I of the spotAs if the chart were givenEmily Dickinson--------------------------------Mery Ban Jao--------------------------------You left me sweet two legaciesA legacy of loveA heavenly father would contentHad he the offer ofYou Left me boundaries of painCapacious as the seaBetween...
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Walt Whitman Poetry

Love the earth and sunand Animals Despise riches give almsto everyone that asksstand up for the stupid andcrazy devote your income and laborto othersand your very flesh shall be agreat poem------------------------Mery Ban Jao------------------------Long Enough dreamed contemptible dreamsNow I wash the gum from eyesYou must habit yourself to the dazzle of the lightand of every moment of your lifeLong Have you timidly waded holding...
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Pauline Johnson Poetry

Measures of oil for othersOil and red wineLips laugh and drink but neverare the lips mineworlds at the feet of otherspower gods have knowHearts for the favored round memine beats alonefame offering to otherschaplets of baysI with no crown of laurelsonly grey dayssweet human love for othersdeep as the seaGod sent unto my neighborBut not to meSometime I will wrest from othersmore than all thisI shall demand from heavenFar sweeter...
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Robert Frost Poetry

Two Roads diverged in a yellow woodAnd sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo Where It Bent in the undergrowthRobert Frost-----------------------Mery Ban Jao-----------------------Dont QuitWhen things go wrong as they sometimes willwhen the road your trudging seems all up hillAnd you want to smile but you have to sighWhen care is pressing you down a bitRest If you must...
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Best English Poetry

Dont mix bad words with your bad moodYou will have many opportunitiesTo change your moodBut you will never get the opportunity to replaceThe words you spoke----------------------------------Mery Ban Jao----------------------------------The smile on my face doesnt meanmy life is perfectIt means I appreciate What I haveand wHAT God Has Blessed Me with----------------------------------Mery Ban Jao----------------------------------My...
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Wednesday, 19 February 2014

You've Touched My Heart and Soul

You've Touched My Heart and Soul....... From the startyou've touched my heart and soul, and I'm convinced that we can make magic..... we're much better when we're together....... like two halves of a whole....... You've touched my heart and soul.......
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The Light of Stars

The Light of Stars The night is come, but not too soon;  And sinking silently, All silently, the little moon  Drops down behind the sky. There is no light in earth or heaven  But the cold light of stars; And the first watch of night is given  To the red planet Mars. Is it the tender star of love?  The star of love and dreams? Oh no! from that blue...
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Magical kiss

Magical kissI look in her eyes,and it tickles my soul,the magical kisses,are about to unfold, staring into her eyes,while holding her hips,my body starting totremble,anticipating those lips, i close my eyes,and lean in for a kiss,shaking so much,i hope i don't miss, then our lips met,and it was the best,my heart beated so fast,i lost my breath, looking in her eyes,the feelings a bliss,and every peck from her,is...
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I can see the tears forming around your eyes

I can see the tears forming around your eyes. And I can see your fears building up inside. I can see your confused and tired of life. I can tell you wish everything felt right. I can tell your sad and just want to be held. I can tell you fake that smile and that your going through hell. I can tell your afraid and fed up with the pain. I can tell your feelings are hard to explain All you...
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So lonely

So lonely...... I get so lonely waiting to hear from you. Would you please drop me a line and make my day? I've been lying here, thinking about you all day. I miss you, and I've felt so empty since you went away. Only you can make the sunshine return and send the darkness on its w...
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Carving You

Carving You.....When I close my eyes,I can feel your touch.The heat sizzles through me,And I want you so much.I can feel each flame,each delicious kiss of fire.I can't shake you from my're all that I desire.And I sink into the bliss ofYou touch against my skin.NO matter how much you touch me,I'll always crave you aga...
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I've thought about you

I've thought about yousince the day we met.There was a warmth about youthat I'll never forget.Something in your smilecomfoted meand opened my mindto possibilities.So I'm sending my admirationalong with this letterand hoping that Iwill get to know you bett...
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HABITbreathing is a habitliving a ritual.there is no sound in the bodyno shadow in the feet are tiredyet i keep on walkingon this roadan endless journey.for years for centurieswe have been living.we go on livingwe go on livinghabits are so stran...
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Dream Hope Love Smile

Dream.......makes all things possibleHope.........makes all things workLove ........makes all things beautifulSmile........makes all above work possibleDream...And as you dream,Remember...That only you can makeYour dreams come true.Reach...And as you reach,Remember that...Success takes time,Devotion,And sometimes a littleDisappointment.Believe...And as you believe,You will findReaching gets easier,Setbacks getMore manageable,Life...
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I Thought You Said Forever?

I Thought You Said Forever?What does forever mean to you?When you couldn’t even keep it trueYou said were you’d forever be thereBut were those just words pulled from thin air?Did you actually love me?Did you really see the feelings I see?The truth, the love, the loyal tearsThe betrayal, hate, and the fearI thought you felt the sameThat you would cover me in the rainI thought forever and always was foreverBut now there’s not an...
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innocence gone

innocence goneinnocence gonegiven awayto the onei loved whohas nowwalked awayinnocent meto trust you sowith myinnoce...
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Only you

Only youI choose among the entire world.Is it fair of youletting me be unhappy?My heart is a pen in your hand.It is all up to youto write me happy or sad.I see only what you revealand live as you say.All my feelings have the coloryou desire to paint.From the beginning to the end,no one but you.Please make my futurebetter than the past.When you hide I changeto a Godless person,and when you appear,I find my faith.Don't expect to...
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Let go of your worries

Let go of your worriesand be completely clear-hearted,like the face of a mirrorthat contains no images.If you want a clear mirror,behold yourselfand see the shameless truth,which the mirror reflects.If metal can be polishedto a mirror-like finish,what polishing might the mirrorof the heart require?Between the mirror and the heartis this single difference:the heart conceals secrets,while the mirror does not.&nb...
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