Friday 26 August 2011

devil's paperwork

I am told to sign documents I can read

But I don't understand

I am told to sign one, two, three times

I get a nod when I do the one

I get more nods with two and three

My signature is crooked and ugly

But they are happy with it anyway

And I am now getting a handshake, a pat on the soulder

I am told a new life is waiting for me

I am not sure how it will look like

But it will be new

I am not scared for it's just paperwork

And it will all work out ok, I know

Or at least I try to remind myself everytime

It will all work out ok

One way or another

As I see them walk away

An easy transaction

I now deeply resent

As I regret it all -- my blood as ink,

The shoulder pats, the stupid confidence

The sorrow I can't feel

Because I sold it, and I sold it cheap

But I seem happy anyway

hollis temple (Raleigh, NC, 1975)


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