Tuesday 16 August 2011


At happy hour, two weeks ago,

I began talking with a guy who

(as my interest waned) boasted,

that he was in Wikipedia.

Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia

of people.

I shrugged like it was nothing.

He wanted more admiration than this,

explained that

not everyone can be listed in there.

Apparently, there is a “process”.

And now, I’m obsessed with it.

I want to be able to Wikipedia myself.

If some schmuck in a bar did,

why can’t I?

I think about my life so far.

I’m not sure that religiously giving

spare change to the homeless will be enough.

I can twirl a baton and sometimes catch it,

but unless I learn to do it while

balanced on the nose of a seal

who is balanced on a ball,

it’s a forgettable gift and not

“Wikipedia” quality.

I could probably get in there

if I schmoozed my way

through social circles,

I could become the

blah blah blah to a yada yada yada.

But I have a knack for

befriending starving artists,

half of whom can’t even afford

their Internet access bill-

I’d end up only schmoozing my way to an open mic night.

jennifer donnell (San Clemente, CA, 1979)


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