Sunday 17 November 2013


Bleak November

It’s looking pretty dead outside
The leaves have gone, the birds can’t hide
The wind is sharp, we keep inside
When it is dark.
On a downward spiral, prices rise
The rate of lay-offs multiplies
Our Euro fewer goodies buys
Our options stark.

The young on the brink of their careers
Their prospects slim, are brought to tears
Their rent already in arrears
What can be done?
E.U. summits block the streets
No one now their budget keeps
It’s stalemate as all Europe creaks
It’s cut and run!

The death of Greece – a bail-out quick
The Germans won’t take much more stick
The rest all hedge their bets a bit
And hold on tight.
So as this year draws to a close
We find we’re caught deep in the throes
Of a slump like Topsy that just grows
No end in sight.

(written in 2012)

(c) Poet in the woods 2013


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