Sunday 29 December 2013


Excursion to Mount Lofty

Mount Lofty beckons in the sun
The focal point for miles around
Three transmitters, not just one
Stand guard on Adelaide's huge mound.

The road meanders; steep ravines
Huge jagged rocks - encased by nets
Offer such dramatic scenes
Worthy of an outback set.

A weathered lighthouse, painted white
Provides a backcloth unexpected
To Business District just in sight;
Beyond - the deep blue sea detected.

While tourists all admire the view
On huge panels are displayed
Salt flats and housing, airport new
Glenelg high rise and beach parade.

I see two men in helmets climb
A flight of steps behind the shop
To man the fire look-out full time
And guard this precious beauty spot.

We treat ourselves to lunch inside
The shade's essential in this heat
Time for some gifts - the choice is wide
"Proudly Australian" can't be beat!

(c) Poet in the woods 2013


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