Friday 24 January 2014


A Drive to Windy Point

In the evening as the sun goes down,
The winding roads go darker brown,
The shadows lengthen on the way
And daytime bird song melts away.

The views on every side astound
Fine look-outs each way we turn round
The rocks are jagged, deep ravines
Have no doubt hidden bad crash scenes...

Above us there is only sky
The moon our guide as we drive by.
At last the car comes to a rest
At Windy Point; the view is best

As here all Adelaide is seen
In twinkling lights of red and green:
The airport runways, Brighton Beach,
And Marion Mall are within reach.

Glenelg is a stone’s throw away
Dark patches - Adelaide’s parkway
It’s not L.A. – high rise is rare
And there’s no pollution in the air.

It’s a place with magic of its own;
So no one comes here all alone
Couples and tourists from afar
Pass happy moments in the bar!

(c) Poet in the woods 2014


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