Thursday 10 April 2014


Pacing Ourselves

We yearn for lines that are clear cut
But many plans become unstuck
And it’s deadly boring in a rut
So what’s to do?
Pick up the baton, run the course
Forge onward fuelled by brute force
Don’t let our hearts yield to remorse
But battle through.

Long-term planning can be fun
Yet we often wish to jump the gun
And obstacles foil more than one;
No road is straight
Living in the moment is just fine
In love of course, it is sublime
But reality kicks in every time
Is this our fate?

Of uncertainties we can be sure
The unexpected lurks beyond the door
Life follows an unwritten law
Which none can read;
Flexibility seems to be the key
A break in routine sets us free
Isn’t that how life should be
At our own speed?

(c) Poet in the woods 2014


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