Monday 8 September 2014


Thomas - at 8 Months Old

Now that the public know your name
Things will never be the same.
You have your moment on the stage
You can look around and gauge

Reactions to your bright persona
I don't think you will be a loner.
You listen to those who come by
And like a babbling brook you try

To imitate the sounds you hear
But the human voice is a new sphere.
It's still a little complicated
Mind and brain must get acquainted.

But Thomas, you are learning fast
Grandma tells me you can grasp
Small objects and test out their shape
Not only food goes on your plate.

Dad celebrated Father's day
Thanks to you, this past Sunday
You've changed his life – now he and Mum
Marvel how far you have come!

(c) Poet in the woods 2014


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