Monday, 13 October 2014


On Moving House

The week's flown by - there is no doubt
The candle at both end's blown out.
Two workmen and her foreign friends
Have done much to tie in loose ends.

The sink now flows - which means at last
The days of plastic bowls are past.
Both cupboards are patched up with board
So junk and jumpers can be stored.

The crowning glory is by far
The installation of a bar
Though not for drinks - as you'd have guessed
It hangs her clothes neat in her nest.

The living room - still bare - is clean
Lace curtains would enhance the scene.
Full curtains must of course be made
And the naked light bulb needs a shade.

A sofa bed - this she's not got
Nor unit all her glass to stock.
The hall needs cupboards - but who cares
It's looking like a home - it's hers!

(c) Poet in the woods 2014

Written in 1983


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