Showing posts with label YAP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YAP. Show all posts

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Calling all Young Poets across America:last days for 2011 poetry submissions

Yes, it's that time of the year again: our reading period is coming to an end. Deadline for 2011 submissions is December 15th. Materials sent after this date will not be considered until we resume poetry reviews on February 1st, 2012.

Want to submit? Then hurry up, but don't forget to read our guidelines here.

The Young American Poets team
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Thursday 14 April 2011

young poests wanted

YAP welcomes submissions by poets born on or after july 20, 1972, from all 50 states, the district of columbia, puerto rico and all territories of the united states of america. send two to six unpublished poems written in English, bound in the e-mail body or as an attached document. our reading period for 2011 extends through december 15.

read our guidelines here!

Young American Poets
A blog and online journal devoted to
New American Poetry by America's New Poets
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Wednesday 23 February 2011

Young American Poets: now open for submissions!

ok, we admit it: our winter break stretched way beyond our plans. but hey, we've said before we consider slackerism as one of the fine arts! Anyway, YAP is back, again. This marks the beginning of our fourth year online and we'd like to thank once again our readers, the poets who have contributed to our site, fellow bloggers and editors, friends and families who support us and make this project happen.

and we do promise the huge pile of unread e-mails in our inbox will be sorted out asap. thank you for your patience!

Read our guidelines!

Read our poetry!

The Young American Poets team
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Saturday 18 December 2010

last days for 2010 poetry submissions

Yes, it's that time of the year again: our reading period is coming to an end. Deadline for 2010 is December 21st. Materials sent after this date will not be considered. The Young American Poets staff will resume poetry reviews on January 15th, 2011.

Want to submit? Then hurry up, but don't forget to read our guidelines here.

The Young American Poets team
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Tuesday 2 February 2010

and we're back!

Young American Poets, year three. Now open for submissions.

Read our guidelines!

Read our poetry!

The Young American Poets team
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Thursday 31 December 2009

see you next year

the year is now almost over and we feel proud and satisfied with what YAP was in 2009, our second year online. of course, this could have never happened without you: contributors, readers, fellow bloggers and friends. thank you all very much! see you again in 2010.

Happy New Year!

The Young American Poets team
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Monday 7 December 2009

final weeks for 2009 poetry submissions

Write poetry? Then yap! We want your submissions!

Deadline for 2009 is December 21st. Materials sent after this date will not be considered.

The Young American Poets staff will resume poetry reviews on January 11th, 2010.

Read our guidelines here.

The Young American Poets team
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Thursday 12 November 2009

poetry submissions, winter break and the road ahead

Deadline for 2009 submissions is December 21st. Materials sent after this date will not be considered.

The Young American Poets staff will resume poetry reviews on January 11th, 2010.

Want to submit? Read our guidelines here.

As we have said, we are working on a major facelift for our site. Plans for 2010 include also new sections, illlustrations and, hopefully, "a room of one's own". Keep coming back for updates.

We would like to thank once again all writers, readers and fellow bloggers who help keep this project alive with their contributions, comments and advice.

The Young American Poets team


YAP Submissions Deadline: December 21st, 2009

Useful Posts:

YAP Poetry Submission Guidelines

What We Look For: a brief guide for submissions assessment (YAP)

Further reading:

Letters to a Young Poet, by Rainer Maria Rilke (Google Books)

Advice To Poets (Copper Canyon Press)
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Wednesday 4 November 2009

the young american poets, they are a-changin'

so yes, we've been absent for a little while, for reasons fair and strong enough to halt our regular posting.

basically, as you may have noticed, our masthead has changed. we welcome our good friend and longtime contributor to this blog Beatrice Kaplan (Pembroke, NH, 1985), who has recently joined our editorial team. that should put an end to our existence as a boys-only club, something we never intended to be.

as for our friend and YAP co-founder Julian Bailey, he is just taking a break from YAP to pursue an MFA in his native Arizona. let this post be a virtual yet warm send-off for him. Julian, you will be missed.

also, we want to announce that Young American Poets will undergo a major facelift, to be completed towards the end of November. we'll keep you posted about the news.

now, back to poetry.

The Young American Poets team
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Wednesday 23 September 2009

lazy, procrastinating young poets

we want your submissions!

read our guidelines here

and your comments, too!

share, exchange and debate in the comments area for each post.

Young American Poets
A blog devoted to poetry and short stories
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Wednesday 16 September 2009

slash youngpoets

please, don't kill us.

follow us on twitter instead:

Young American Poets
A blog devoted to poetry and short stories
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Monday 27 July 2009

Contemporary American Poetry for the Twitter Age

Follow Young American Poets on Twitter at

Young American Poets
A weblog devoted to poetry and short stories
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young poets wanted

we welcome submissions by poets born on or after july 20, 1970, from all 50 states, the district of columbia, puerto rico and all territories of the united states of america

read our guidelines here

Young American Poets
Celebrating one year online!
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Friday 6 February 2009

Young American Poets: Year Two

The Young American Poets blog has just begun its second year online and welcomes submissions from poets born on or after July 20, 1969, from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and all territories of the United States of America.

Complete guidelines are available here.

The YAP team
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Wednesday 26 November 2008

last call for 2008 submissions

Deadline for 2008 submissions is December 15th. Submissions sent after this date will not be considered. The Young American Poets staff will resume review of materials on February 1st, 2009.

Want to submit? Read our submission guidelines here.

We would like to thank once again all writers, readers and fellow bloggers that have kept this project alive with their contributions, comments and advice.

(We're just taking some time off from editing duties. The (almost) daily posting goes on!)

The Young American Poets team
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Tuesday 28 October 2008


first 100 posts at Young American Poets

100 reasons to celebrate and thank writers, readers and fellow bloggers who have made it possible

Thank you!

Now, moving on to more new poetry from America's new poets

Again, thank you!

The Young American Poets team
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Thursday 23 October 2008

what we look for

Poetry is a game with no rules, as much as reviewing poetry is a hazardous activity that lacks a scientific basis. However, here at YAP we fiercely combat the idea of reviewing and editing as an obscure procedure fueled by mystical powers. So we began to think about what we like the most in the vast universe of the ars poetica and have come up with a few guidelines that serve our editorial team as common ground for submissions assessment.

This is what we look for:

A distinct voice. It does not matter whether poetry is about eggplants, elevators, turnips or monster trucks. It does not matter if it is yet another poem about love lost, loneliness or despair. But we do care about finding distinct voices that tell us about what we already know in a new, different way.

An eye catching title. The title of a poem is like a movie poster. It may make you curious about what it is "promoting". So we love well crafted, smart, witty or plain silly and playful titles.

A great beginning, an even greater ending. If a poem grabs you from the neck right from the start you will probably keep reading it until the very final verse, where we love to find a bold, elegant, significant ending, something that reads like "thanks for traveling with us", or maybe even "rot in hell".

Flow, rhythm. Was the travel soft and easy, was it rocky and rough, was it fast, slow paced... we enjoy all types of rides, as long as it is a real, compelling ride.

Emotional impact. We read poems to ourselves, we read them aloud, we look for snippets that we like within the poem, we dissect and reassemble, we read poetry upside down... but in the end all we are looking for is emotion, in the widest and wildest of senses.

The Young American Poets team
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Thursday 25 September 2008

young american poets, the facebook group

don't be a stranger and join us on facebook. more virtual space to share, exchange and debate about poetry, literature, girls, boys, booze and life in general.

Young American Poets
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Friday 5 September 2008

young poets are alive and well

Back in May, when we came up with the idea for this blog, we thought it would be just like so many other projects of ours, developing in a sequence that boils down to three basic stages: startup excitement-stagnation-abandonment. Truth be told, it all happened over a couple of sixpacks one cool spring night at Daniel's rooftop. That day we also flirted with relaunching our old high school fanzine (we omit the name here to avoid being ashamed of ourselves), putting together a Poetry for Pets business, renting a mechanical rodeo bull for a poetry tour (we would recite while riding the bull).

After three months online we find it hard to believe this project is still alive and well, growing more ambitious. As cheesy as it may sound, this was fueled by the positive response and encouraging feedback. And it wouldn't have been possible without the collaboration of all the young poets out there that have submitted their work, nor without the support of fellow poet-bloggers (you know who you are!).

So this rare post just wants to acknowledge everyone who has helped us make YAPs what it is today... and to anounce that, by popular demand, we will add a new sister site called Young British Poets. Still under construction while we finish up gathering texts, it will be edited by our friend Kevin Bacon (yes, just like the well-known actor). Kevin is a poet and musician based in London, and he will help us collect and review materials for this new site. He runs the underground poetry fanzine Thamesick and plays the accordion with the balkan-pop group Dead Slobodans.

Again, thank you all very much.


The Young American Poets team
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Monday 1 September 2008

young poets wanted

write poetry?
short stories?

then yap!

read our simple guidelines and e-mail your submission to

Young American Poets
New Poetry from America's New Poets
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