Showing posts with label gallagher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gallagher. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 March 2011


His kisses like
A stallion's breath on my neck
I shiver and my eyelids fall

His fingers like
A spider's step on my back
I shiver and swallow a chill

His gaze not piercing but
A boy that begs to bond
Not bite

But the bites
On my breast
Show the nature
Of the beast

His crooked smile
Like a cub in trouble
Hides the lion
That roars inside

claire audrey gallagher (Fresno, CA, 1991)
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Thursday 3 June 2010


Clench jaw
heavy lid
misses the breeze
misses the sun

clench jaw
heavy lid
misses the ease
misses the fun

grit teeth
red eyes
knows not the strength
knows not the will

grit teeth
red eyes
knows only the length
knows only the hill

frown mouth
drooping brow
once had the heart
once had the light

frown mouth
drooping brow
has lost the art
has lost the fight

claire audrey gallagher (Fresno, CA, 1991)
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Tuesday 19 May 2009


Why can't you realize?
Just what you have done to me.

Maybe you'll realize
What you've done if you can see.

Maura tell lies
and I realize

Giving rise
To your demise.

You don't realize
When he's gone you won't have me.

claire audrey gallagher (Fresno, CA, 1991)
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