Showing posts with label hoyts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hoyts. Show all posts

Monday 11 August 2008

naysayers say no, ride the merry-go-round

this little old country
of naysayers and religious fanatics

these allergies of mine
making my eyes cry cry cry

this poorly paved road
leading to nowhere

this merry-go-round
making me sick sick sick

turning my stomach upside down
making me cry

naysayers, bankers and mobsters
religious fanatics and corrupt congressmen

this sad merry-go-round
with that same eerie tune

making me sick
making me cry

andrew hoyts (Naples, FL, 1979)
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Monday 21 July 2008

sick and tired

live happy with extra large, extra salted
point and shoot digital cameras
marvel cell phones
and racy magazines

live happy with your hybrid car
your decaying middle class conscience
your rotten christian values
and digital satellite tv

i am sick of it all
sick of your dumb tv shows
of your cheaply made porn
i am tired of the rampant mediocrity
i am tired of the mobsters who run this country

andrew hoyts (Naples, FL, 1979)
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