Showing posts with label legrand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label legrand. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 September 2008

cereals in the morning

an empty bowl, medium size,
the golden tokens crackling, taking over,
tsunami soy milk (she's vegan)
now the job's done

can you do this every single day
for the rest of your life
out of something that is not

we're out of orange juice
i complain
well you didn't want to do groceries
she replies

and we sit down
start our little daily routine
and when i look into her eyes
she just makes me feel so happy

tom s. legrand (Portland, OR, 1976)
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Friday 8 August 2008

a day after, the emptiness

a pledge of allegiance
whiskey and hot wine
love confessions from a greek goddess
gay chatter, flirting and gazing
and in the backyard of the old french house
the young girls come and go
talking about cacciatore

from the gazebo
everyone looks so cool
when the party is so avant-garde
new hairdos and unbelievable outfits
people go up and down the stairs
bouncing to the beat of electroclash
let me in, he said

liberty, equality, fraternity,
hot saki, pizza, vintage cupcakes
a weird sense of accomplishment
followed by the indisputable truth
of vacuous, sheer emptiness
the day after

well done she said, with a kiss
well done

tom s. legrand (Portland, OR, 1976)
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Thursday 10 July 2008

head on fire

now you've seen the world how many times now
your voice echoeing, your singing loud
enough is enough you said, you wanted to settle
and i happened to be there, right there

the young lad from overseas ready to hop on the van
and conquer the world
my head was on fire, your head was red
i felt we belonged to each other and i feel like that today

i wanted to be the next thomas stearns
you were already you, gorgeous, fun and so smart
who was i to have the privilege
of being entertained like that

who was i to be there, right there
in the crossroads of our troubled hearts
riding every ride in disneyland
there are no answers, don't look for them now

my head is still on fire
i wonder what color yours is now
i guess you are shining more than ever
a bad memory i have simply become

tom s. legrand (Portland, OR, 1976)
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