Showing posts with label weinglas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weinglas. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 July 2009

german beer

My credit card got cancelled
But I’m at home, safe and warm,
Drinking german beer

My left testicle swollen overnight
It looks like a tennis ball
But I’m uninsured
Ain’t life great?

My parents absent
Estranged from my friends
No special someone to live or die for
Not even a pet

My face raided with scabs,
Gaining weight from eating
Fast food everyday
Jerking off my only workout

My life at crossroads
Stale, a sinking boat,
A slow descent without warning
Trying to look cool

My life at crossroads
Pale, a smoking joint,
Blown and worn by solitude
Drinking imported beer


david weinglas (Montevideo, MN, 1978)
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Tuesday 4 November 2008

nameless and disturbing state of mind, part two

It's not apathy
nor guilt
it's something else
for which I can't find a name

It's not about nightmares
becoming real or pain still
growing here
None such issues are my concern

If I knew the name
I could grab it all the way
But they say you can't beat
what you can't explain

All and all is about
time running back and forth,
the same awkward feelings of yesteryear
multiplied by ten, twenty

Plus confusion and delusion
a plenty, frenzy
and trendy, forever lazy
in my myriad apologies

It's nothing I can describe
Nor it makes me uneasy
It just drags me down
Every day yet another half inch

And in the long run
when I notice the apparent
movement I try to smile but
it's impossible

Because it's not apathy,
it's not pain, nor plain
getting older; but then it just maybe
the sheer horror of being here and being alive

david weinglas (Montevideo, MN, 1978)
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Thursday 28 August 2008


Low and below, time bent and catered for, the hole of night; again, the scarred flesh//
of Rita and Amanda, lovingly yours and stupidly waiting for Him to come.
God created sea monsters, they said and tingled; their hymens still intact.
Can you draw him with a fishhook? Press down his tongue with a cord?
Love your brothers and sisters, love them forever until Kingdom comes
and no more beach house in Delaware when the light of dawn shines on the horror,
horseshoe crab hordes pave the way for the coming of the Leviathan

* * *

Naked in the open daylight I stumbled upon the old poet; he was climbing out of a taxi//
Sir, I just heard you on the radio, I said. He gave me a sad, cold look, the old poet;
when he was young he shouted parricide
I have to kill you, sir; his moribund inventions, scripture for America's housewives,//
verse with discount coupons; a big editorial success
Son, I've been dead for a long time now
He disappeared in the early autumn fog
The old poet

* * *

God created the great sea monsters and iPods, lentils, guinea pigs, spiders, not seven but a hundred plagues; the cancer//
His wrath became a mere joke, He watches Monday Night Football while we crack the code, and He laughs since there is no code; there is no code//

Let those curse it who curse the day, who are prepared to rouse Leviathan
Let the cities fall apart, let the trains derail; let them eat a thousand Wal-Marts
like fiery locusts after their 3G iPhones,//
let them feast again and eat their children for desert, because their instincts shall not deprive them from fornication,//
let them strip these fields clear until they can scrape the bones;
let them curse, let them know you can't draw him with a fishhook,
and let them curse again while I lay myself to rest in your burning cathedral

david weinglas (Montevideo, MN, 1978)
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Wednesday 6 August 2008

shocking news!

my scrotum is getting really huge these days
watch the video
jobless rate attributed to government
massive rod is what you need
to make your beloved lady adore you
learn how to get it!
it's 7:27 am

britney spears and paris hilton are lovers
video proof
are you worthy of wearing this?

Microsoft has paid Facebook $1 billion
to get access to their database
buy it for your girlfriends and boyfriends
experience greater control and order
with immense weapon of love
and a fascist government

if you love life don't waste time
for time is what life is made up of

spongebob denies reports that hes gay
be with me and over 2.100.000 players
playing the casino
receive 300 euros free
get a tight package today
make your shaft longer and harder
gain in diameter and strength
you won't have to put a sock in your trunks
on a beach

fat chinese man kills and eats brother because he was hungry

david weinglas (Montevideo, MN, 1978)
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Saturday 21 June 2008

why atomic bombs are wrong wrong wrong (part one)

what's been said has not been said
but i should not apply
even though the mighty slap
fell over me not twice but thrice
in the path of darkness
i shall rest upending in my final nest
whether you come with me or not
can't you see i'm drowning
can you


this time will be the last
long gone is my blast, i wanted to be an astronaut
call it a cook in space
just like you dismissed my job as an air steward
time will do the rest
white teeth of glamour bent
midnight movies i have seen much worse
jesus is a sticker on you bumper
riding bicycles like a hangman
collecting sea shells makes you wonder how


this is me at my worst
this is who you shouldn't have met
taking pills like mentos fresh


like not
alive in a city of the dead
flooded by chocolate seas
let time do the rest

and sad

david weinglas (Montevideo, MN, 1978)
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Wednesday 4 June 2008

self portrait

        i can't see
        the glass is stained
        our pockets emptied and broken umbrellas
        lost in unbearable tormentas

5     well you could have treated me better
       well i could have waited just a little more

        she will be back
        the baby is born
        and i still hear you
10    in dreams and thoughts

        well i could have waited
        well you could have just
        spared some of your love
        i wanted it so badly, you know

15    there was no signature in your letter
        no evil in your acts
        let me hop back in your little boat
        and sail away
        until the end of this brown and deadly river

         david weinglas (Montevideo, MN, 1978)
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