Monday 27 October 2008

three hundred tigers in your backyard

Little we knew it was the end
better both of us felt
like derailing and crashing

Your fate unknown
my will bewildered
feeling is painful dreadful

(this is one good-bye too many)

Singing off-key
sitting on a plastic bench
bring it on, that sweater

I told you, it's cold in here
Bring it on and wish us luck
in this our new good-bye

I sat alone and I was bitten
I waited and I was eaten
three hundred tigers in your backyard

Hors d'ouvres for empty lovers
these are bruises and wounds
to admire for a lifetime

We lost our dignity and this
is way past your lunchtime
snack on me

Let me forget you once again
snack on me the hollow man
have a bite and maybe one day

You let me out chewed but alive
tame three hundred tigers
and wait to be seated

paul christo (Olympia, WA, 1979)


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